

Today’s technological advances open wide possibilities for creative minds who utilize them to bring absolutely incredible concepts into life. Unfortunately, the progress in digital sphere brings a certain power to those who have destructive intentions as well – these persons can commit various kinds of cyber-attacks. Thus, it’s difficult to overestimate the importance of software security in software engineering.

Being Internet based, many software applications are subject to various threats. For instance, UI is vulnerable in the following way: bots may steal a user’s session and perform unsolicited actions on behalf of this user. “Closed” systems (the ones involving Internet to a lesser extent) are less vulnerable.

Being a software security expert, what can ISS Art undertake to ensure that safety basics are met?

For security assurance, we implement authorization and differentiation of access rights features.

As many software security firms do, we regularly check the Top 10 Application Security Risks list by Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). This community develops standards in app security sphere. As a rule, we handle 9 of 10 points from this list.

Bots attack can be a pressing problem for many web apps. For companies, this may result in monetary losses due to interruptions in their websites functioning. To ensure protection from bots, we would recommend these software security solutions: implementing the features of blocking users by login or by IP once suspicious user actions are detected.

In addition to these measures, we use only stable and proven components and modules. Also, we prefer to utilize an open-source framework or library. What is their advantage? All the threats are quickly defined and fixed by the community.

Certain software security programs exist on the market – VeraCode, UpScan, Fartify are the popular ones. They are helpful in software security testing, code analysis, and much more. Thanks to a software security system Java project (or any other project) will be protected properly from possible threats.

Sometimes Customer already possesses a license for particular software security products. If so, we are ready to use them while working on a project.

Obviously, if a great data amount is located at one place, this info needs to be protected – privacy and personal info can be at risk. Using depersonalized data is an effective way to ensure information protection.

What about the safety of working with different programming platforms? Do they have any software security module? Yes, they do.

In terms of software security, Java is a very protected platform. A great software security module Java provides is JVM which checks a program before running to prevent unsafe actions. Beside this, it provides Security Manager and Security APIs.

We work with software security design in mind at all the phases of building an app. During QA phase our specialists carry out software security testing. As a rule, Nessus Vulnerability Scanner is utilized to carry out the safety assessment of the products we deliver.

Often a company’s management team is concerned with safety issues when planning to build a brand new app. Pursuing the goals of software security development, ISS Art guys conduct work in such a way as to minimize risks at each stage. Plus, we will apply powerful software security systems. Reach out to us to learn more.

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.NET expertise
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Industrial automation