
QA Services

Our QA team services

We provide end-to-end testing services at each stage of the software development life cycle. The ISS Art QA team will develop the test strategy, test plan and design tests appropriate for your project. We will follow the QA process, you established for your project or help you to establish it. Over the development cycle of your project our team will conduct the following types of testing:

If you want to request additional info about our QA and testing services — feel free to contact us

01 Automation


ISS Art QA team will automate cross-browser, cross-platform, regression, functional, smoke, sanity, and UI tests. Our Automation Engineers have experience in automating software of different types including mobile (native and hybrid applications),desktop (application suits and their extensions) web (user interface and functionality) and API. Applying for our automation services, you get scripts in Java, C# and Python. We introduce automation into the development process of your project and implement it at the integration, system and acceptance levels of testing.


Experitest // SauceLabs // BrowserStack // Selenium // Android SDK // Appium // XCode // Apache JMeter (API Functional testing) // SoapUI // SwaggerUI // Jenkins // TeamCity // CircleCI // Allure // Puppeteer // Serenity // Junit // TestNG // Robot // XCTest // Espresso.

02 Functional testing


The ISS Art QA team will design and conduct functional tests to verify that your product meets customer functional requirements and specifications. We’ll evaluate functional completeness, correctness and appropriateness of your project. Depending on the specifics of your project we will implement automation at integration and system levels.


Selenium // Browser DevTools // Android SDK // Appium // XCode // Postman // Apache JMeter (API Functional testing) // MySQL Workbench // Putty // Fiddler // Wireshark // ProxMox (Virtual box),Reflector // Blazemeter Proxy Recorder // Crashlytics // HockeyApp // TestFlight // Buddy build // JIRA // Zephyre // TestLink // Redmine // SoapUI // SwaggerUI // Jenkins // TeamCity // Allure

03 Usability testing


The ISS Art QA team verifies that your product meets non functional criteria in usability, that impact user experience. We assess your product from the usability criteria perspectives: learnability,operability, accessibility. We conduct UI testing to verify that your product UI agrees with the UI design, mockups, prototypes. We check the organization and appearance of UI elements on your application pages, adaptation UI to all supported resolutions, orientations, style and color schemes consistency across all pages, readability and grammar.


PerfectPixel // Grid Displayer // UI5 Inspector // l Browser DevTools // BrowserStack

04 Performance testing


The ISS Art QA team conducts all types of performance testing to verify that your product meets performance requirements, to help determine suitable backend configuration, to estimate system stability and reliability.


Apache JMeter // Blazemeter // Locust // Redline13 // Taurus // Datadog // NewRelic // Stack Driver // Graphana // Jenkins

05 Security testing


The ISS Art QA team has necessary experience to conduct security testing. We’ll investigate your product or project to detect possible vulnerabilities with the reference to OWASP list. Being guided by STRIDE we will model possible threats for your product and show you how found vulnerabilities can be exploited to get unauthorized access to you application and then to utilize compromised system for further harmful actions. We’ll validate the development process of your project for the possible security breaches, that can be exploited by intruder. We’ll provide comprehensive report with found vulnerabilities, classified by their severity, ways to exploit them and the measures for risks mitigation.


OWASP ZAP // SQL injection tool // Burp // John the ripper // SSL scan // Apache JMeter // Slow http test // Blue closure,skipfish

06 Crossplatform and compatibility testing


The ISS Art team has a great number of tools, devices, deployed virtual environments, emulators to conduct cross platform testing of your mobile and desktop applications. We will verify, that your Android and or iOS mobile application performs its functions and meets non functional requirements on all supported devices and platforms. We will check, that your desktop application runs under all supported operating systems and doesn’t have compatibility issues with other system applications.


ProxMox // Android SDK // Gennymotion // Experitest // SauceLab

07 QA process establishment and QA teams management


The ISS Art QA team has hands on experience in establishment QA processes on projects with different software development methodologies. It doesn’t matter whether you are developing your project following Agile, RUP or simply waterfall methodology, we’ll be able to bring in best existing QA practices to your project to ensure the quality of your product.