
UI/UX Design

UX/UI term stands for user experience (UX) and user interface (UI). UX design is aimed at making the impression of working with the interface as pleasant as possible. UI design defines what the interface looks like – colors, buttons sizes, fonts, etc. UX/UI design assumes that user interface should be both good looking and easy to work with.

Users in different regions often have differing tastes relative to visual content – colors, images, etc. However, interface convenience is a must in software design – our company knows it for sure. UI in most successful projects is intuitive and easy to navigate, and it contributes a lot to their popularity. Moreover, greatly designed user interface helps business owners achieve their goals. In particular, it helps to sell a product or a service. Based on UI, a user decides whether he is ready to buy a product.

How we work on UX/UI

Obviously, it is reasonable to prepare a UI prototype first when working on a custom interface, and after that to proceed to programming works. This prevents wasting developers’ hours for delivering unwanted results. Our specialists work with the best prototype implementation systems. As a rule, we present interface as we see it to our Customer, discuss all the details, male corrections if needed, and get the approval to move to the programming stage.

If Customer already has interface templates, we are glad to use them. If not, there is a variety of web services allowing to simulate user interface and to test it.

As for frontend technologies, we utilize JavaScript, ReactJS to build interface solutions. To visualize data (by preparing diagrams, for example) we use D3JS library. As a service provider, we can create a custom frontend for an application of almost any complexity level needed by Customer. Unity engine is a powerful tool that can be used for this.

Frontend creation process often brings challenging tasks

Having years of experience in UX/UI, we can name the most frequent ones:

We know firsthand how to resolve these tasks.

ISS Art team is waiting for new opportunities to apply latest frontend technologies. We are happy to offer our UX/UI design services to you.

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