
Minimum Viable Product Development (MVP)

Surely you’ve heard of Minimal Viable Product concept or MVP. Unlike a complex finished product that has all of the desired capabilities, an MVP development stands for an output having just the functions needed to satisfy the basic requirements. These functions, however, are sufficient for users to provide their evaluation and give their reviews about the delivered solution.

Why going for an MVP development?

An MVP is sometimes confused with a prototype; although they are not the same.

What are the differences between them?

So, do you intend to save on initial project introduction? Present only the key possibilities it provides to all the stakeholders. Gather valuable reviews from your early clients after that. So, starting with an MVP and holding market tests for it sounds reasonable. This would be a cost-effective scenario.

How can a company become an expert at MVP prototyping?

The best way is to have specialists who have ready software modules in their arsenal; these modules may be utilized to speed up the development process. Currently, at ISS Art we are working on such modules creation. With them, it’s possible to build an MVP for your needs quickly.

Based on our experience, we’d say: don’t rush to build the whole project at once! Divide it on milestones instead and implement them sequentially. Begin with the most important, or the most complex part, create an MVP for it. We have built dozens of MVPs that turned out to be prosperous further. We know for sure how to build them. Reach out to us if you need our help.

Architecture audit and development
Architecture audit and development
Manufacturing business software
Manufacturing business software