
Hardware & system integration

Today the IT sphere (and, actually, the whole world) is full of systems of various types. Often a user has to deal with a number of systems, and this creates certain difficulties while working: taking data from one system, processing it, inserting into another system, etc. To make a user’s life easier most developers try to integrate the systems with one another. Currently, there are so many integrations available, that we can easily call this period “the integration era”.

This way the stage when such areas as Internet of Things (IoT), Integration 4.0 (or, in other words, industrial automation) are getting extremely popular has inevitably come. All these areas assume system integration – joining several systems to make then function together as one desired system. This is aimed to make users’ computer experience more comfortable. And indeed, it certainly makes everyday work life of ordinary employees as well as top managers much easier.

Now there are lots of programming tools available to developers allowing to aggregate different systems. System integration in Java is an effective way of implementing this.

ISS Art team has great experience in system integration at different levels.

Integration can be done within the company for its internal systems. Alternatively, companies can integrate with external services.

Both cases have their outstanding characteristics. We know these characteristics based on our huge experience of work in these directions.

In case Client’s systems are integrated with each other there are certain advantages:

Integration of Client’s systems with external systems has its pluses as well – for example, no need to worry about an external system support because a third-party is responsible for this.

However, there can be additional costs connected with the system purchase or with changes caused by updates in the API of this external system. Although these difficulties are often inevitable, we are aware of them, and we know how to overcome them.

Needless to say that in recent years the IT sphere is characterized by rapid evolution in the web area, and programmers are happy to use the opportunities that have been opened. That being said, the link two or more systems together, a web service approach is often used. In particular, a system integration Java web service can be applied. Simply put, it serves as a bridge between the apps that need to be connected.

We have successfully accomplished dozens of system integration projects. One of them is a shipping software for online stores owners. This is a cloud-based service that is easily integrated right into the shop and helps growing business by providing cost-effective shipment. While building this solution we implemented integration with more than 10 external systems, including logistic services.

We’ve helped a lot of companies so far, and we are happy to offer our system integration services. Please contact us to discuss it in detail.

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